American Miniature Horse Youth Association Written by: AMHA Organization Courtesy of AMHA.org AMHyA Show Division Competition AMHyA members participating in AMHA-approved shows can c Youth can compete for titles and awards including Honor Roll, AMHyA Champion, AMHyA Superior Event Horse, and AMHyA Register of Merit. AMHA hosts four shows a year: three regional championship shows and the World Championship Show. AMHyA classes are offered in each. The AMHyA World Championship Show is held in conjunction with AMHA World Show. AMHyA World Show Events Each year, youth from across the globe unite in Fort Worth, Texas for the AMHyA World Championsship Show! This crowning event in the American Miniature Horse industry features fun-filled days of youth show competition and activities including: Youth Calcutta: A chance to join in team Judging Contest: A test of horse judging skills in halter and performance classes, this event helps train participants in what judges are looking for in the arena. Divisions include junior and Senior levels for AMHyA and 4-H / FFA members as well as an Amateur level for those older than 17 years. Silent Auction: The opportunity to bid on fun items with the proceeds benefiting the AMHA Youth / Amateur Scholarship Programs. Youth Parade: The crowning event of the AMHyA weekend, come and march out with your Calcutta team and watch the prizes being awarded. Along with announcing the winning teams, this is also where AMHA and AMHyA announce the scholarship winners, High Point awards, and any other special awards presented for that year. This is a chance for the AMHA Youth to shine and congratulate their comrades' success. AMHyA Other Arenas Programs
Art Contest: From ceramics to pen and ink, AMHyA members are judged on their artistic vision of a standard of excellence in miniature! Photo Contest: The AMHyA photo contest provides a picture-perfect opportunity to showcase photography skills. Whether the aim is on American Miniature Horses at rest, play or at work, wards will be given to the best shots. Essay Contest: This contest is for those who enjoy writing and sharing thoughts. Each year, participants submit an essay on a designated AMHyA topic. AMHyA Yearbook This annual publication features AMHyA's programs, Executive Committee, championship shows, World Championship Show and contest winners as well as profiles of participating AMHyA members. This useful directory allows members to contact friends from across the country and keep up on the past year's most memorable events. www.AMHA.org is the complete information source |