Welcome to the World of the American Miniature Horse
Written by: AMHA Organization
Courtesy of AMHA.org

Irresistible. Versatile. Showable
These great little horses, prized by owners everywhere, come in a rainbow of coat colors and patterns and are enjoyed throughout the world as investments, show partners and willing companions.
The American Miniature is big news in the horse industry. As retiring baby boomers shift their focus to personal dreams, public interest and involvement with Miniature Horses continues to grow.
These unique horses are owned by people of all ages, all over the world, and especially by those who have the time and ability to invest in, share and enjoy them.
Many are owned as companions by families with small children or by retired adults with a passion to enjoy life, while others own Miniature Horses as investments. All of these owners have one things in common - a love for this amazing equine.
While all horse lovers love babies, there is nothing quite like a Miniature foal standing only 16 to 21 inches at birth!
Today's American Miniature Horse
Refined, well-proportioned and a joy to watch, today's American Miniature Horse iswonderfully adept at showing. American Miniatures compete in halter classes in which they are judged on conformation and in a variety of performance classes including pleasure and roadster driving, jumping, obstacle, showmanship, liberty, and costume. The ultimate goal for many owners and breeders is to quality for the annual AMHA World Championship Show.
American Miniature Horses are owned for as many reasons as there are people. Horse lovers perhaps not as mobile as they used to be and preferring not to manage a large horse enjoy the benefits of a Miniature Horse whether in competition, recreation or as investment. Special needs individuals, too, find the American Miniature an excellent companion. Miniature Horses have long and successfully participated in therapeutic settings.
Children intimidated by large horses often eagerly embrace a Miniature Horse, especially a gentle gelding or tiny foal. Adults too reap rewards; it is not uncommon to see families from grandparent to grandchild caring for a showing their American Miniature Horses.
The Breed Association
The story of the American Miniature Horse, nearly 400 years in the making, is steeped in both adventure and the love of little horses. in 1978, a group of dedicated horsemen created the American Miniature Horse Association to promote the breeding, use and perpetuation of the American Miniature Horse breed, separate and apart from ponies and other small equines. Today AMHA holds fast to its mission to set the standard of equine excellence in Miniature, to build upon its foundations and grow. Miniature Horses registered with AMHA must meet the Association standards of perfection and cannot exceed 34 inches in height when measured from the last hairs of the mane.
The Industry
As more people discover the American Miniature Horse, popularity and value of the breed grows. Typically, American Miniature foals of good quality and bloodlines command good prices. Add the fact that the expense of daily care is minimal the estimated return on investment is high.
Standard of Perfection
This unique breed - an elegant scaled-down version of the large-size horse - cannot be taller than 34 inches at the withers as measured from the last hairs of the mane. Ideally, the American Miniature Horse is a diminutive reflection of a standard-sized horse, possessing the characteristics desired in most breeds: refinement and femininity in the mare, and boldness and masculinity in the stallion, and a general impression of symmetry, strength, agility and alertness. As prescribed by the American Miniature Horse Association, the breed objective is the smallest possible perfect horse.